One of the key elements of every healthy relationship is appreciation. Especially in a long-term relationship, it is all too easy to take our partners for granted, forgetting the tremendous positive impact they have on our lives.
Of course, we all feel appreciation for our romantic partners. But can your partner feel that appreciation? All too often, the answer is no.
Luckily, you can change this. Even simply saying, “I appreciate you” or “Thank you, that means a lot to me” can do a world of good for your romantic relationship. Often, though, the best way to convey sincere gratitude is through your actions.
With that in mind, here are four unique ways you can let your partner know you appreciate them.
- Tell Your Family and Friends
Speak highly of your partner to family and friends, and let them know how happy you are to be with him or her. You will be surprised how quickly your words of appreciation find their way back to your partner.
Though direct appreciation is always welcome, it’s wonderful to hear that someone is speaking well of us when we aren’t around.
- Spend Time Reminiscing Together
Take your partner on a date to a restaurant or coffee shop. While you’re there, surprise them with photographs of your best memories together. If you don’t have any pictures, take them to a special place in your shared history—like the restaurant where you had your first date, or the park where you first kissed.
The important thing is to get the nostalgia ball rolling. As you reminisce together, use the opportunity to express any appreciative thoughts you might have missed the first time around. You might say something like, “I never told you, but I felt so happy to be with you at that moment.”
- Ease their Stressful Schedule
When your partner is overwhelmed with work or other obligations, you can show your appreciation by running some errands for them or doing chores your partner normally takes care of. When we’re stressed, a moment to relax and unwind can be the best gift of all.
- Cross Something off Your “Relationship Bucket List”
Most couples have a few plans that they always talk about, but never follow through on—a sort of “relationship bucket list.” Maybe there’s a restaurant you always talk about trying, or a day trip that never ends up happening.
Surprise your partner by planning an item on this list. This lets them know that you value shared experiences with them. It also lets your partner know want your relationship to continue to grow in new, exciting ways.
Even the happiest, most appreciative relationships have room to grow. A Delaware psychologist can help. Deepen the connection between you and your partner by attending one of my workshops, seminars, or therapy sessions.